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Part 8 - On-Site Sewage Systems - 2012

  • March 03, 2025
  • 8:30 AM
  • Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7


Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA 5 day (35 hr.) course deals with the fundamental requirements related to the administration and enforcement of the 2012 Ontario Building Code as related to private on-site Sewage Systems with design capacity less than 10,000 Litres per day. The regulatory requirements related to these systems are generally found under Div. B., Part 8 of the Code, but do also include and refer to substantial portions of Division C of the OBC, the Act as well as the Supplementary Standards SB5 and SB6. Designed as an introduction to the fundamental principles behind the topic, the course addresses the following topics and areas;
- duties and responsibilities under the Act as related to Sewage systems
- Site evaluations, Test Pits and T-Times,
- Characteristics and distinguishing of Systems and Design Flows,
- Design and Construction of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Sewage Systems,
- Inspection and Review of Class 1,2,3,4 and 5 Sewage systems,
- Operation and Maintenance minimum requirements for existing systems, and
- Occupational Health and Safety as related to sewage system inspection or enforcement.

[Visit the Humber College's website http://humber.ca/buildingcodeexams/ to schedule the applicable Legal Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

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