Our General Legal Process and Powers and Duties 2012 course is an overview/refresher course for experienced practitioners. This building code course covers the material for four qualification exams offered by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH): General Legal/Process, Powers and Duties of a Chief Building Official, Designer Legal/Process and Powers and Duties of a Registered Code Agency. The curriculum reviews key parts of the Building Code Act and Volume 1 of the 2012 Ontario Building Code Compendium as well as the provisions of Parts 10 and 11 of the Ontario Building Code.
Also check out our other courses: BLDG 9235 General Legal Process and Powers and Duties 2012 and BLDG 9290 General Legal Process and Powers and Duties 2012 Daytime
This is a self-directed online course delivered via Blackboard Learn. Select sections also offer live tutorial sessions hosted by the teacher on Blackboard Collaborate. Further information will be sent via email at the start of the course.
June 07 - September 05, 2021
You must have a copy of the 2012 Building Code Compendium before you begin this course. The compendium is available for purchase at the George Brown College bookstore (either on campus or online), at our Building Code and Trade Manuals website and at the Publications Ontario website.
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) exam is not included. MMAH exam and Building Code Identification Number (BCIN) information can be found on the MMAH website. (Humber College hosts the Building Code exams on behalf of the MMAH. Visit the Humber College Ontario Building Code Examinations website to schedule and pay for the applicable exam.)
You must have a general understanding of the building construction process and basic blueprint reading skills.
(includes a non-refundable materials fee of $110)
416-415-5000, ext. 4861